About Rosen Place on 8th
Rosen Place on 8th Assisted Living provides essential services for residents of Stanley and Mountrail County as part of Mountrail Bethel Home. Assisted living is an increasingly popular choice for seniors, combining independence with 24/7 personal care. These communities foster social engagement and enhance quality of life compared to unassisted living.
As part of the Mountrail County Health Center, Rosen Place offers a full continuum of care as a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC). Residents enjoy access to amenities connected to Mountrail Bethel Home, the Medical Center, and the Aquatic Center.
Our Mission
To provide residential style accommodations and individualized support services to meet the occupant’s needs and abilities to maintain as much independence as possible.

The services provided at Rosen Place on 8th
include, but are not limited to the following:
Monthly Pricing*
* Rates are subject to change
Items included in the above base rates include:
Waiting List
Please contact the Rosen Place Director, Marcie Johnson with any questions, or to be placed on the waiting list.
- Rosen Place Director - 701-628-8653
- Rosen Place Staff Station - 701-628-8642