Skittle Skool

Giving Our Youth the Knowledge to Create a Choose for Change towards Their Future Paths

Stanley, ND – The Mountrail County Health Foundation, the Stanley Park District and the Stanley High School teamed up again this year to bring Skittle Skool to all SHS students from
7th to 12th Grade.  The focus this year’s theme was:  Blue Jays Show Up For…Myself, My Family, My Friends, My Future.

 Twenty-one presenters addressed the following thirteen topics through creative and interactive activities and conversation:

✓ Stacy Schaffer from 31:8 Project covering “Sexting – Importance of cell phone use responsibility”
✓ Kris Halvorson from the Stanley Police Department and Hillary Burchett from the Stanley Ambulance Service covering “How and When to call 9-11 for an overdose and the danger of Nar Can usage”
✓ Virginia Dohms from North Central Human Service covering “Healthy Dating Relationships”
✓ Michelle Svangstu from Upper Missouri District Health Unit covering “Long term effects of smoking and chewing and how vapping is not a safe alternative”
✓ Abbey Ruland and Tammie Braaflat from the Mountrail County Medical Center covering “Safe Sex, STD’s, HPV and the importance of the HPV vaccine”
✓ Tara Nardacci and Dr. Longmuir from the Mountrail County Medical Center and Gerald White and his team from the Three Affiliated Tribes Drug Task Force covering “Prescription drug abuse and what it can lead to”
✓ Shelly Kinney from Mountrail County Social Services covering “Drug exposure and its effects”
✓ Terry Goldade from Northland Community Health Center covering “The effects of “screens and screen time” on Mental Health”
✓ Brenna Thompson from Pospishil and Associates covering “Suicide, Cutting and Self Harm”
✓ Bob Hayes from Bob Hayes Addiction Services covering “Alcohol Abuse and Addiction”
✓ Stephanie Nishek from Dakota Natural Health Center covering “Importance of a healthy diet for your developing brain”
✓ Pastor Carter Hill from Prairie Lutheran Parish covering “Being cruel is easy: Bullying Online and Off”Stacy Schaffer from 31:8 Project covering “Sexting – Importance of cell phone use responsibility”
✓ Kris Halvorson from the Stanley Police Department and Hillary Burchett from the Stanley Ambulance Service covering “How and When to call 9-11 for an overdose and the danger of Nar Can usage”
✓ Virginia Dohms from North Central Human Service covering “Healthy Dating Relationships”
✓ Michelle Svangstu from Upper Missouri District Health Unit covering “Long term effects of smoking and chewing and how vapping is not a safe alternative”
✓ Abbey Ruland and Tammie Braaflat from the Mountrail County Medical Center covering “Safe Sex, STD’s, HPV and the importance of the HPV vaccine”
✓ Tara Nardacci and Dr. Longmuir from the Mountrail County Medical Center and Gerald White and his team from the Three Affiliated Tribes Drug Task Force covering “Prescription drug abuse and what it can lead to”
✓ Shelly Kinney from Mountrail County Social Services covering “Drug exposure and its effects”
✓ Terry Goldade from Northland Community Health Center covering “The effects of “screens and screen time” on Mental Health”
✓ Brenna Thompson from Pospishil and Associates covering “Suicide, Cutting and Self Harm”
✓ Bob Hayes from Bob Hayes Addiction Services covering “Alcohol Abuse and Addiction”
✓ Stephanie Nishek from Dakota Natural Health Center covering “Importance of a healthy diet for your developing brain”
✓ Pastor Carter Hill from Prairie Lutheran Parish covering “Being cruel is easy: Bullying Online and Off”Stacy Schaffer from 31:8 Project and BCI Agent, Dr. Analena Lunde from the Victims of Crime division covering the topic of how technology influences the mind and how it effects your mental health and beyond.

✓  Al Schmidt from the Berthold Police Department covering the topic of drugs.

✓  Heather Jenkins from the Domestic Violence  Program NWND covering the topic of Healthy Dating Relationships.

✓  Becky Fladeland from Upper Missouri District Health Unit covering the topic of the long term effects of esmoking and chewing and how vapping is not a safe alternative.

✓ Abbey Ruland and Tammie Braaflat from the Mountrail County Medical Center covering the topic of Abstinence and STI’s.

✓ Chris Pulver and Mike Schott from the ND State Highway Patrol covering the topic of Law and Legalities for Teens.

✓ Alyssa Kreutzfeldt from bar 33 Leadership covering the topic of I Choose.

✓ Brenna Thompson from Crossroads Therapy covering the topic of Self Harm.

✓ Sarah Sorenson covering the topic of Be a Daymaker.

✓ Stephanie Nishek from Dakota Natural Health Center covering the topic of Nutrition for the Brain.

✓ National Guard Members doing a team building segment with the students.  

✓ Andie Roise teaching the students the importance of yoga and meditation.

✓ Brandi Larson covering the topic of Getting Involved In Your Community.

“We are go grateful to all the speakers that took the time to come talk to our Youth,” states Steph Everett, Mountrail County Health Foundation Director.  “Some of these topics are hard to talk about on a regular basis. So bringing in different faces and voices for the students to hear allows them to hear the topic a bit differently.  We hope last Wednesday made an impact on them.”

Gustavson Named Social Worker Of The Year

8 Sep 2021 News

Mountrail Bethel Home’s Kelly Gustavson was named the Social Worker of the Year last week at the Long Term Care Association of North Dakota’s annual convention. Unfortunately, the convention moved to virtual again this year meaning that the planned celebration was not held in person. As a result, the NDLTCA will provide Mountrail Bethel Home with funds to hold a celebration later.

It was a different experience for Gustavson who has usually been a part of the decision making for this honor. The award decision changed recently to have the nominees judged by past winners of the award. Prior to that, the decision was made by the board of Long Term Care Social Workers of North Dakota. Currently, Gustavson holds the position of president of that board.

Any facility in North Dakota is able to nominate their candidate for the award, with an average of five to six nominees per year. Each member of the selection committee then reviews the nominations, scoring each question to create a cumulative score.

A copy of the video made to support Kelly’s nomination can be found at She says that when watching the video, she was so excited to see her deskmate Flo in the pictures, but she also cried when she listened to it. She says that she was glad she was at home when she was watching it.

When describing her job, Gustavson says that a nursing home social worker is often the first person contacted for a referral. They are the first person a resident or their family meet at the facility. She says that her job is to make sure that all rights available to a resident are met, including having the psycho-social care planned correctly. She works as part of the care team to make sure that all needs are met including nursing, activity, dietary and therapy. She is quick to point out that she could not do her job without everyone else in the facility.

Her job is to help families and residents with the transition to nursing home care. That includes making sure they know this is not a “jail”. They can come and go. Even throughout  COVID, they have guidelines in place for residents to be able to leave the facility.

One thing that may set Gustavson apart is her firm belief that it does not matter the time of day, her job is to be there, especially when it comes to answering questions or being there to support them when a resident is ill or dying.

She points out that boundaries are fluid for her. She never wants a family to be worried, which is why she is available after “regular” work hours. She says that she could sit all day with the residents and their families. She says that she wants to be that person that supports them at the worst times when needed.

“My entire heart is in the whole building,” she says. “I cannot imagine doing anything else.”

This past year and a half have been hard for everyone in long-term care.

Throughout the pandemic, the goal has been to provide good care. She didn’t want families to have a hard time seeing their loved ones, even though at times that choice was taken away from them.

As president of the LTCSWND, Gustavson says the board is made up of six regional representatives. The group serves as a voice for long-term care social workers, not only in planning, but also serving as a resource to staff in their regions. When social workers have questions, they provide the answers. Sometimes that includes sending out a request for resources and ideas from other areas.

Having just celebrated their 50th anniversary, the group has changed over the years. They have provided meetings and trainings. Providing that training virtually is  new for this organization as well.

Gustavson says that every nursing home is different and every one is in a different place. The training and CEUs need to be completed even despite a pandemic. In order to keep up with the requirements by the ND Board of Social Work, they are looking for alternatives that include virtual and independent trainings.

The letter of submission from Mountrail Bethel Home read, “It takes a special heart and soul to be a Social Worker. Kind, caring, patient, understanding, helpful, dedicated and selfless are some of the qualities that Kelly was born with. That is why she is a perfect fit for Social Work.

Kelly graduated from the University of Mary in 1991 with her degree in Social and Behavioral Science. In 2000 she graduated with her bachelor’s degree in Social Work. Right out of college, Kelly started working for Williams and Ward County with Home and Community Based Service Programs.

In 2012, Kelly found her calling as the Director of Social Services for the Mountrail Bethel Home, although this wasn’t the first time, she had been at Mountrail Bethel Home. She had actually completed her internship here.

Kelly is always willing to go the extra mile for everyone she works with.

Families are always commenting on how amazing Kelly is to them. Aside from giving the absolute best care to our residents, she is there for the families, day in and day out. Her cellphone is on practically 24/7 and she is available to families whatever the topic is. During this pandemic, she has fielded some tough calls in regard to visits and positive COVID cases.

She has handled them with grace and compassion.

Kelly is an active member of the LTCSWND. She became treasurer when she joined in 2012 and held that position until she was elected as President in 2019.

When Kelly isn’t working, her other hours of the day are dedicated to her family. During the summer days you can find her in her garden, camping at Smishek Lake with family and friends or running her son to all of his activities, rarely finding some time for herself.

Not only is Kelly an amazing advocate for the residents and their families, but she is also an amazing friend and colleague. Her door is always open, the candy jar is always full, and she is always willing to listen, console and be there for staff.”

MCMC Administrator/CEO Stephanie Everett says, “Kelly Gustavson does not know where the off button is for her compassion for our residents inside the Mountrail Bethel Home.  She is the first person they talk to when entering our Nursing Home to the last person they see, for her dedication to the end of life care is beyond anything I have witnessed.  The one area I marvel at with her is her desire to be with our residents at the end of their life. It does not matter where she is; she drops everything, comes in, does the angel prayer with the resident, and is with them and the families as the residents take their last breath. So many families have expressed their gratitude for this simple action.   So, in ending, Kelly Gustavson deserves this reward for her love of every resident is portrayed by her actions and her words daily.”

Deloris Oja named Outstanding Rural Health Volunteer

15 Jun 2021 News

GRAND FORKS, N.D. – Deloris Oja of Stanley received the Outstanding Rural Health Volunteer award at the 2021 Dakota Conference on Rural and Public Health. The award recognizes the contributions made by a community person who has volunteered his/her energy, time, and skill toward the betterment of rural healthcare. The virtual awards presentation was held on June 3, and the program may be watched here, 2021 Awards Program.

Oja has been with the Mountrail Bethel Home for over 30 years, whether as a nurse or volunteer. For the past 12 years she has volunteered as treasurer of the nursing home auxiliary, scrupulously keeping track of auxiliary funds and presenting her reports at auxiliary meetings, which helps to plan future projects.

“Many fundraising efforts are completed by the auxiliary each year, and Deloris is always an active part of them,” said Lynn Patten, credentialing specialist with Mountrail County Health Center and secretary of the Mountrail Bethel Home Auxiliary. “She is one hard-working, reliable, enthusiastic lady who is a great example to the rest of us of what a volunteer can accomplish.”

Along with her involvement with other events hosted by the home, Deloris spearheads the sales of cutlery, which has helped fund many projects for the nursing home over the years. But perhaps her most lasting effect is with nursing home residents. Each Friday Deloris visits the residential ladies for some “hair fixing,” greatly adding to their quality of life. 

About the Dakota Conference on Rural and Public Health:
The Dakota Conference allows healthcare professionals, educators, and students several days to share their strategies for sustaining healthy North Dakota communities, and offers workshops, keynote speakers, poster presentations, and an awards banquet, during which the awardees are celebrated. The annual event is a joint effort by the North Dakota Rural Health Association; the North Dakota Public Health Association; Altru Health System of Grand Forks; the UND College of Nursing and Professional Disciplines; and the Center for Rural Health.

New Faces In MCMC PT Department

31 Mar 2021 News

A pair of new faces have joined the staff in Mountrail County Medical Center’s Physical Therapy Department this month. Zachary Mravec and Taylor Augustine, recent graduates from Cleveland State University and an engaged couple, have taken traveling positions that will see them in the facility at least through June with an option to extend.

Mravec is originally from Rocky River, Ohio, having started his career as a licensed massage therapist for seven years. He says that he knew he wanted to be a physical therapist and used the career in massage therapy as a way to pay for the schooling.

Augustine is originally from a small town in Colorado, very similar to Stanley. As an undergrad, she focused on dance and was a professional dancer for ten years in Seattle, Wa. When she went to Cleveland for graduate school, the couple met in the same class.

They have chosen to be in Stanley and North Dakota, saying that it allows them the adventure of travel while working as physical therapists. They have a goal to travel for three years or so. It will enable them to see the country and in the end to better settle down with their finances in place and pay for their upcoming wedding. It also fits into the fact that both say they are a bit of a wanderer, liking to travel and try new things. They also look forward to being together in a setting where they can gain a variety of experience working with outpatient and hospital setting.

Their differences in training and background will also bring new skills to the MCMC Physical Therapy Department, something that department head Heidi Nielsen says she is looking forward to. This will benefit not only patients, but also give Nielsen insight into some specialized areas of physical therapy that she can use well into the future.

Taylor’s focus has been on dance rehabilitation and physical therapy. She has done continuing education and courses that have allowed her to specialize in treatment for performing arts. She is on the registry for doctors for dancers and the only provider currently in the state of North Dakota with that designation.

She also has completed level one of three in another niche specialty for pelvic health. This specialty deals with incontinence, pelvic pain, rehab after birth and pelvic floor issues for both men and women. She says that while physicians may see a patient with a pelvic floor dysfunction, pain or otherwise, not many look for the signs that lead to a different approach. That includes finding that patients with low back pain may actually have a pelvic floor issue.

When it comes to the dance rehab and therapy, she says that she can work with dancers of any age from the young child learning to dance, to the professional dancer, and the aging dancer who still dances recreationally. Well versed in all styles of dance, she says that she can treat all dance styles. That includes helping injured dancers with the rehab necessary to return to dance, as well as helping dancers enhance their performance as they train back to the demands of choreography. For the younger dancers, she says that she can do pointe shoe screenings, as well as helping them with training and safety.

Education, she says, begins with adolescent dancers. She has worked with professional dancers in the past, but her goal is to help young dancers prevent injury with education.

Zach’s background and focus deals with vestibular issues. He spent fifteen weeks in a clinic that focused on those issues including diagnosing and developing a plan of care and aftercare for patients who suffer from those dizziness and vertigo issues. The goal, while seeing a patient in therapy, is to provide them with the information to care for  those issues at home as well.

Beyond that, he says that anything neurological or involving the brain piques his interest. That has included helping patients with concussion issues. He also helps patients return to work and with prework testing. Having worked with workers’ comp patients, he was surprised at how motivated people are to get back to work.

Taylor is involved with the American Physical Therapy Association, a professional network that includes conferences and events to further the education of its members. She has also worked in advocacy, spending time at Capital Hill to address issues.

As a pair, they just became National Park members, starting at Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota with a mission to see most of the national parks.

They are also looking forward to experiencing life in Stanley, getting to know the residents and the community. Taylor says that she enjoys being back in a small town and the community feeling that comes with that. Stanley, they say, feels cozy, welcoming and friendly. For Taylor, she grew up that way and says that it is nice to be back in the circle.

As for the facility, they say that MCMC provides a great working environment. Everyone is approachable and in it for the right reasons, they want to help people. The approach is different than in a large city facility and feels more like why they wanted to work in healthcare.

Zach hopes that eventually they can also start some planning for nursing home residents. With the challenges that COVID has presented to nursing homes, he says they could maybe start with a small balance or dance course or class to increase activity. He would like to take that onto their plates to promote in the facility.

PT Department Head Heidi Nielsen says that she is thankful that the transition went so smoothly as one set of traveling therapists was leaving, this couple was coming in. Although the licensing stalled, it came through at the perfect time.

The skills that both bring to the table are something that Nielsen looks forward to learning more about.

She says that they see quite a few patients with vestibular issues. During her schooling, she says, they got the gist of how to treat those patients, but she did not have the intensive hands on experiences that Zach had in his clinic rotations. She looks forward to refining her techniques and helping patients find the appropriate after and home care, saying that if they can take those skills to home practice the therapists have done their job.

As for Taylor’s pelvic health training, Nielsen says this is something that needs more light shed on it. People have kept their issues quiet and do not like to talk about it. Trained hands and minds can find a way to improve that, saying that “just because it is frequent does not mean it is normal”.

She looks forward to learning from both of them and refining her skills along the way. “It is exciting for me, too,” she said. “Everyone has a different focus and passion. To get to see and learn from that allows others to grown and help patients more”. For MCMC as a rural clinic in a rural community, Nielsen says that “to be able to cover so many more avenues is something you do not typically see in rural care”.

New Provider Starts at MCMC

30 Dec 2020 News

A new Family Nurse Practitioner is starting at Mountrail County Medical Center in Stanley this month, helping to fill a need at the facility.

Jessica Charon, DNP, FNP-C, is originally from Carrington, graduating from Carrington High School. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, graduating in 2014. After working as an RN in Glasgow, MT for three years at a critical access hospital, she moved to Bismarck, where she continued her education and worked as an emergency room nurse at St. Alexius. She graduated in April of this year from the University of Mary with her doctorate of nursing practice (DNP) with a focus on family nurse practitioner (FNP).

Choosing MCMC for the next step in her career, Charon says that she has always loved rural health. Growing up in a small town, she says that practicing in a rural setting allows her to practice medicine in a setting she passionate about. While you see a is little bit of everything, patients also become like family to you. When she graduated, she knew she wanted to stay in North Dakota. Visiting Stanley, she says that she really liked the facility. The flexibility of the position, makes this job a great fit for her family.

Charon started at Mountrail County Medical Center a few weeks ago with her hire date of December 1. She is filling a gap for providers by becoming an exclusive emergency room provider. That means that she will be working eight twenty-four hour days per month. She says that with her previous experience she is more comfortable in the role as an emergency provider. She says that she loves coming into work in this setting and the challenge of not knowing what will be coming in the door with each patient. That, she says, keeps you on your toes and makes you learn.

She has signed a three year contract with MCMC and says that she is happy to be there. She points to the working relationships and a great work environment as a breath of fresh air. She credits great upper management on all levels for making that possible. She says that having great management and younger management staff means a more progressive attitude towards health care. Forward thinking and innovative medical care means the facility is doing great things for the community and she looks forward to being part of that.

Signing with MCMC, she says, is giving her the opportunity to fulfill what she sees as her professional long-term goals. She wants to establish a role she can stay in, providing good patient care while becoming more confident in her job. She believes that Stanley is a fantastic place for her to continue her journey. She is looking to certify as an ENP, specializing in emergency care.

Her current schedule does not have set days, but rather it is those eight days per month. That could be split over different times throughout the month, depending on facility needs. She says that living closer to Stanley allows her to split those days up to meet staffing needs for the facility.

Her husband Benjamin works doing fiber installation and property management in Bismarck. The couple has two children, three year old daughter Kinley and four month old son Lincoln. The couple will continue to live in Bismarck for now. In the off time, the family enjoys traveling, being outdoors, camping and hunting. “We are very excited to have Jessica join our MCMC family. The minute we met her we knew she would be the perfect fit to round out our team of Providers. We now are fully staffed with exceptionally qualified and caring Providers for our patients. And we look forward to working together as a team to position ourself and start implementing our vision that will propel MCMC to the next level,” says Steph Everett, MCMC Administrator/CEO/Foundation Director/PR and Marketing Director.

Postponed – MBH/MCMC Nov. 19, 2020 Board Meeting

New Date/Time – December 17th, 2020 7:30 a.m.

Executive Conference Room
Thursday, November 19, 2020 7:00 a.m.

  1. Call to Order – 7:00 a.m.
  2. Changes to Agenda
  3. Approval of October 22, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
  4. Visitors/Guests
  5. Financials
  6. Administrator’s Report
  7. Medical Staff – Chief of Staff comments
  8. Foundation Report
  9. Old Business
    • MBH —  Phase III status
    • MBH/MCMC – Strategic Planning
    • MCMC – OR Expansion
  10. New Business
    • MBH/MCMC – Approve Policy and Procedures Manuals:  none
    • MBH/MCMC – Board Members with Terms ending Nov./Dec.:
      MBH – Elda Titus – First Term ends Nov. 2020
      MBH – John Anderson – Second Term ends Nov. 2020
      MCMC – Heath Hetzel – Term ends Dec. 2020
      MCMC – Mike Sorenson – Term ends Dec. 2020

We’re closed to the Public.  To call into the meeting please follow:
Call 1-605-472-5291
Access Code:  889325#

MBH Annual Meeting:  Thursday, November 19, 2020, 6:30 pm               American Lutheran Church, Stanley

Next Board Meeting Date:   Thursday, December 17, 2020, 7:00 am

Upcoming MCMC/MBH Board Meetings
(All dates are tentative, unless marked as confirmed)

December 17, 2020 (confirmed)
January 28, 2021
February 25, 2021
March 25, 2021
April 22, 2021
May 27, 2021
June 24, 2021
July 22, 2021
August 26, 2021
September 23, 2021

Why Should You Mask Up?

23 Oct 2020 News

Mountrail County Medical Center released the following information this week.

With the number of COVID-19 cases continuing to rise, not just in our state, but also right here in Mountrail County, many of us are rightfully concerned. Just this week, Mountrail County’s risk designation changed from “moderate” to “high” risk. We have 96 active cases of COVID-19 in our county alone, as of Monday, October 19, 2020. North Dakota and Mountrail County are seeing higher numbers of COVID-19 than at any time during the previous months of the pandemic.

This has many of us anxious and concerned. We are concerned about our own health, the health of our children, our elderly parents and grandparents, our teachers, our healthcare providers, our friends and fellow community members. We worry about our jobs, whether our daycares will get shut down, whether our children will be able to stay in school, whether we will be able to visit our elderly family members. All of these are legitimate concerns.

Unfortunately, as our numbers of COVID-19 rise, these threats to our loved ones, our jobs, our schools, daycares, and communities rise as well. What can we do to help mitigate these risks? The answer is simple… MASKUP Mountrail County.

Coronavirus is spread by respiratory droplets that are expelled into the air when we talk, breathe, cough and sneeze. A mask acts as a simple barrier to help prevent these droplets from traveling into the air and onto the people around us. There is growing evidence from both clinical and laboratory studies that demonstrate that masks reduce the spray of these respiratory droplets when worn over the mouth and nose.

When we combine wearing a mask with other simple but effective infection control measures such as frequent hand washing, avoiding close contact, regularly cleaning and disinfecting, and staying home when we are ill, we have the power to DRASTICALLY reduce the risk of transmission COVID-19 and the subsequent consequences to our community. We want our children in school, we want to be able to continue to go to work, we want our parents and grandparents healthy. We as a community have the power to keep each other safe and healthy. It starts with you. #maskupmountrailcounty.

This article is republished with the gracious consent of the Mountrail County Promoter.

New Doctor To See Patients At MCMC

23 Oct 2020 News

Dr. Tracy Tomjack will start seeing patients at Mountrail County Medical Center in Stanley starting on Thursday, Nov. 5.

Originally from Parshall, Tomjack graduated from Parshall High School in 1999. She attended NDSCS in Wahpeton for one year, studying computer programming and then spent two years at Northwest College in Powell, WY, earning an associate degree in photography. She moved on to an undergraduate program at Minnesota State University in Moorhead in exercise science which is when she started looking into medicine as a career. After attending medical school at Des Moines University in Iowa, she did a general surgery internship with UND for one year and a family medicine residence at Big Stone Gap, VA.

She came back to North Dakota and spent three years in family practice in Hettinger before deciding she wanted to specialize and did a fellowship in primary care sports medicine at Geisinger in Wilkes-Barre and Scranton, Pennsylvania. Following that she returned to North Dakota and took a position with McKenzie County Healthcare System in Watford City.

Her practice is primary care sports medicine, focusing on nonoperative orthopedics. That includes a multitude of services including casting, splinting, arthritis injections, helping patients with back or neck pain, concussion treatment, ligaments and tendons. She says that includes any ache or pain along a muscle, bone or joint area.

Working hand in hand with Dr. Joshi she says that is good for patients. She can help expedite the visits as a patient gets ready for surgery or get them on the surgery schedule if needed, as well as helping with postoperative visits.

She also says that she looks forward to offering advanced technology and newer ways to help patients. In addition to injections including steroids and gels, she says that platelet-rich plasma should be available in the next few months. It takes your own blood and spin it down to isolate the platelets which they then inject into the sore spot – joint, tendon, etc. The platelets release growth factors which can help in the healing and pain process. She also says that using ultrasound guidance for injections allows her to look at the injury and provide better diagnostics and treatment. A DO, she says that she also uses osteopathic manipulative therapy, which is similar to chiropractic therapy. While she likes to specialize in the bones and muscles, she wants to look at all the different ways she can help her patients feel better.

Her schedule has her in Watford City on Mondays and Fridays, Tioga on the fourth Thursday of the month and now will include Stanley on the first Thursday of the month. She hopes to start seeing patients in New Town as well, but says that is still a work in progress. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Tomjack patients will call McKenzie County Healthcare Systems.

Adding Stanley to her schedule, she says, makes sense. With Dr. Joshi already established seeing patients here, they work well together but she has a unique niche to add to treatments. She also says that being closer to home is awesome and she likes being able to offer services to patients closer to home. While they may need to travel for surgery, they can have their follow up appointments at home. Stanley also feels, she says, like a hometown crowd, where she knows the people. She also says that small towns deserve good medical care without having to go to larger cities.

Tomjack will also be working closely with the MCMC physical therapy department, saying that the facility and resources available are amazing for a small town. As for the sports side, she says that she looks forward to helping high school athletes get back to playing as soon as they can.

She and her husband, Cameron, are living in Parshall where they are also helping her parents Jan and Greg Boschee on the family farm. Tracy says that she knew she wanted to come back to North Dakota. This is home and she enjoys the rural, country atmosphere. With family here and the farm, they are also able to do some of the farming as well.

Her husband Cameron came from Nebraska with the oil boom as a landman. He lived in Stanley for close to eight years during that time. The couple has been married for about four years. “Partnering again with McKenzie County Healthcare Systems came naturally,” says MCMC CEO Steph Everett.  “We already had the collaboration and strong working ties with them starting with Dan Kelly being my Preceptor to working with them to bring Dr. Joshi to Stanley.  We look forward in future endeavors of working hand and hand with MCHS to ensure the future of Critical Access Hospitals.”

This article is republished with the gracious consent of the Mountrail County Promoter.

October 22nd, 2020 MBH/MCMC Board Meeting Agenda Now Available

Executive Conference Room
Thursday, October 22, 2020
7:00 a.m.

  1. Call to Order – 7:00 1.m.
  2. Changes to Agenda
  3. Approval of September 17, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
  4. Visitors/Guests
  5. Financials
  6. Administrator’s Report
  7. Medical Staff
    – Chief of Staff comments
  8. Foundation Report
  9. Old Business
    MBH – Phase III status
    MBH/MCMC – Strategic Planning
    MCMC – OR Expansion
  10. New Business
    MBH – Approve Policy and Procedures Manuals: Facility Assessment, Corporate Compliance, Antibiotic Stewardship, Safety
    MCMC – Approve Policy and Procedures Manuals: Clinic, Lab, X-ray/Mammo, CSR, Antibiotic Stewardship, Emergency Preparedness, Corporate Compliance, Safety
    MBH/MCMC – Presentation: Brad DeJong, Eide Bailly

We’re closed to the Public. To call into the meeting, please follow:
Call 1-605-472-5291
Access Code: 889325#

Next Board Meeting Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020, 7:00 a.m.
MBH Annual Meeting: Thursday, November 19, 2020, 6:30 p.m. American Lutheran Church, Stanley

Upcoming MCMC/MBH Board Meetings
(All dates are tentative, unless marked as confirmed)

November 19, 2020 (confirmed)
December 17, 2020
January 28, 2021
February 25, 2021
March 25, 2021
April 22, 2021
May 27, 2021
June 24, 2021
July 22, 2021
August 26, 2021
September 23, 2021

MCMC Physical Therapy Offers Innovative Option

8 Oct 2020 News

To celebrate Physical Therapy Month in October, MCMC’s PT department will be running weekly challenges for employees in the facility. Patients, both new and old, will be receiving a gift from the department as well.

Heidi Nielsen, PT, DPT, says that physical therapy at MCMC covers a wide range of services, something important for patients in rural areas. They include orthopedic and neurologic therapies. The combination of the services they offer and the ability to use the aquatic center for therapy is something they feel is a privilege to offer in a small town. Nielsen is also certified in dry needling and

LSVT-BIG for Parkinson’s treatments.

Nielsen says that when Dr. Tomjack starts seeing patients in Stanley in November, they believe they will see even more activity in their department, including sports medicine therapy.

The goal in the department is to open as many doors as they can for patients, helping them find healthy, normal function as they recover or rehab.

Husband and wife Nile and Christine Price have been in the PT department at MCMC since May and are under contract through December 18.  Although COVID has caused some decrease in physical therapy needs, they and Nielsen have kept busy and they expect that to increase. As more facilities have resumed surgeries, things have picked up and they expect it will continue to increase as Dr. Tomjack starts seeing  patients in Stanley.

Nile says that they love talking about the benefits of therapy and are quick to return calls. They believe there is always something they can do to help patients. He encourages patients to call them. They want to be a resource for the entire community and to help as much as they can.

Although most insurances are direct access, they do recommend that patients have a referral first before beginning therapy. That way they eliminate the unknown when it comes to billing and costs.

The department is also excited to have an Andago machine for physical therapy. They are currently only using the equipment for residents in the nursing home because of COVID, but once the restrictions are lifted they will be able to offer it for patients who have movement issue related to stroke, neurological problems, paralysis, spinal cord injuries and Parkinson’s disease to name a few.

This machine provides over ground body weight support and gait training, bridging the gap between treadmill and free walking. It follows the patient’s body, picking up on the movements and the way they move and turn. Therapists have the option to change settings so the machine will pick the pathways so the patient can focus just on their steps.

It adjusts completely to the patient using it. That includes how much body weight support is used with the ultimate goal to have the patient not need to use the weight support.

A state of the art machine, it eliminates the fall risk for patients as they walk. It stops and the harnesses will keep the patient up if they do lose their step. It takes the fear factor out of walking for the patient while also eliminating the burden on the therapist. It allows the patient to feel safe while providing them the opportunity to improve their gait.

It also fits through all standard doors in the facility, so there were no modifications needed to use it in the nursing home. Nielsen says it is very user friendly.

MCMC is the only rural facility to have the Andago and the only nursing home. Nielsen says the next closest machines would be at Craig in Denver or in Kansas. The majority of the machines can be found in large rehab facilities on the east or west coast.

Funding for the equipment came from donations, including a significant donation from one family, and the Mountrail County Health Foundation. Hocoma, the company that manufactures it, sent it in expedited shipping without any additional charge.  Nielsen says the Swedish machine, made in Switzerland, was flown over and arrived in March. When it arrived, it rolled out of the box, with PT only having to attach the handles to prepare for use.

Hocoma is watching MCMC and how they are using this machine in a nursing home, helping keep geriatric patients mobile. Nielsen says that it is helping lessen the burden on therapy and the staff as they help residents be as mobile as they can be for as long as they can be.

At the end of October, MCMC will be participating in a webinar with Hocoma, sharing with other doctors and facilities how the machine is being used in Stanley. Pairing with company therapists, they will be sharing the benefits, including reducing the impact on joints with the weightbearing assistance.

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