Groundbreaking Starts MCHC Project

A groundbreaking ceremony was held in the courtyard at Mountrail Bethel Home on Wednesday, July 17 to mark the start of a four-year project on the Mountrail County Health Center’s campus.

The event featured comments from many involved in the project. MCHC CEO/Administrator Steph Everett highlighted the significance of the project as it creates a new home for the Mountrail Bethel Home residents. With 31 on the waiting list at Rosen place, the project will also add more units for the assisted living. Everett expressed gratitude to the Mountrail County Commissioners, saying they could not have started on the project yet without their support in pledging $25 million toward the $29 million cost of the nursing home phase of the project.

Dr. Mark Longmuir spoke about how long this project has been on the list of projects. He said he started as a CNA in 1997 and they were already discussing the need. The projects already completed include a new chapel at MBH, upgrades to the ER and the clinic expansion, but this project will update the remaining facilities. He expressed his gratitude to everyone who has donated to the various projects, saying he is looking forward to the final completion.

Mike Bratton of McGough Construction, the CMAR for the project, spoke about the project. As a Stanley High School graduate, he is excited to be part of this project and to work with the team at MCHC and EAPC, the architects for the project.

Ryan Gjellstad, president of the board, also expressed how it is nice to have not only McGough with their experience in the field, but also someone local as part of this project. He said that Stanley deserves this new, updated facility. The growth will be great for everyone. He expressed his appreciation to the former board members and board chairpersons, doctors, employees and county for all of the time put it to taking this project from planning to today.

Representative Don Longmuir spoke about how this project is a beautiful example of cooperation and a shining example of what can be done when entities work together. He also commended the tenacity of the various boards in never giving up on this goal.

Former board chairman Heath Hetzel said that the courtyard where the event was held was a special place, just outside the new chapel at Bethel Home. When the nursing home wing comes down, the chapel will be a focal point to the newly completed project. He asked that residents bear with them during the construction. He said that it was amazing to see the county partner with them in such a big way and he is excited to see the project begin. Lord willing, he said, the project will be complete in 42 months.

Pastor Erin Tormanen offered the invocation and blessing for the project, pointing towards scripture and the commandment to love the Lord with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. The facility will be one of those ways as the doors will open and residents will receive the care and assistance they need including the emotional and spiritual care and help. He encouraged everyone to never lose sight of the rare and beautiful treasure of souls that will fill the rooms in the new nursing home.

The residents at Mountrail Bethel Home were given the shovels for the ceremonial groundbreaking. Lunch was served in the Rosen Place parking lot with Bravera Bank on hand to do the cooking.

Construction will get underway this week with the demolition of the former Centennial Court. The first phase of the construction will follow on that site with a new 36 bed nursing home, including ten basic care rooms, the same number of beds as the current nursing home. This Nursing Home phase is expected to take roughly two years and once completed will come up to where the current north wing is located.

On the hospital side, renovations will start with a new entrance near the existing sunroom at Mountrail Bethel Home (MBH). There will be a gift shop and a new waiting room. Construction down the current south wing of the nursing home will include adding an out-patient infusion suite, pharmacy suite and an MRI suite.

Purchasing will be moving from the basement to the upper level. The downstairs area will be renovated to accommodate a new specialty clinic that will allow the facility to bring in more specialists. It will also include a minor procedure room.

The ambulance bay by the emergency room will be extended to accommodate the larger sizes of the newer ambulances.

They will also be adding seven new apartments to Rosen Place. The assisted living facility currently has a waiting list of 31, showing the need for the new apartments. These will all be single apartments based on the footprint space available. These apartments will be located along the rest of the current south wing of the nursing home. The Rosen Place addition is the final part of construction.

The entire project cost is estimated at $47 million, with $29 million of that for the new nursing home. The Mountrail County Commissioners have stepped up and have pledged $25 million over two years for the nursing home portion of the project. A grant for $15 million is guaranteed and an additional $10 million is pending the outcome of the property tax elimination bill.

MCHC has set a goal to fundraise an additional $15 million dollars for this project. Everett says they have additional funding sources set aside for the project. That includes funds available from Mountrail Bethel Home, Mountrail County Medical Center, Rosen Place, Mountrail County Health Foundation, kitchen funds set aside in a donation, and 340B money. They will also continue to look at grant opportunities along with the fundraising campaign. The Foundation continues to accept donations from the public including the ability to donate on their website:

A Farewell To Centennial Court

With work slated to begin on the new MCMC project this summer, a farewell to Centennial Court was held on Wednesday, May 29. The public was invited to the event that included a short program and a time to share memories of Centennial Court.

Pastor Erin Tormanen opened the program by quoting Psalm 71:9, which reads “Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone,” (New International Version). He said that people are often troubled by the past, present, and future, perplexed by the challenges, but that can be alleviated by placing faith in God’s faithfulness and covenants.

As you look across cultures, all too often those can feel cast off. In his five years in Stanley, he said, he has had the opportunity to share both at the chapel at Bethel Home and Centennial Court and is thankful and give praise for this place that does not cast off, but rather provides a place to come and have a rich life. He also pointed out, it was not the building, but rather the residents and staff that provided the legacy. As the work at Centennial Court comes to an end, God is not done but rather following his plan and what replaces Centennial Court will build a new legacy. Indeed, he said, it is time to yield to the changes, glorify what is to come and rejoice in what has been, as he offered a prayer of blessing.

Ardis Loock, who was the director at Centennial Court for 21 years, shared her memories of what a wonderful place this was to work. While she shared that she hates to see it go, she knows that what will come will be just as nice.

MBH Activities Director Chuck Repnow shared his thankfulness for the location and opportunities it has given for the residents over the years, saying that the community has shown its desire to take care of its loved ones here, providing a quality of life and more. He praised the foresight to provide the connection between assisted living, the nursing home, hospital and aquatic center.

MBH Social Worker Kelly Wilhelmi spoke about the use of the building during COVID, to provide a unit with the staff to take care of them allowing them to stay at home. She said they were able to have their own employees provide care during the worst possible times while also allowing families to be able to visit their loved ones, often times through the windows, but also in the comfort of their own community.

Melissa Peterson, who has worked at Centennial Court since its opening, says that the importance of the facility was the people she got to meet, who she says enriched her life even more than she gave them.

Others attending shared memories of the gathering space, which was used for birthdays, family gatherings and more. Those memories will always be there as the facility moves forward with the new construction.

It has been more than a year since the Mountrail County Health Foundation began the Partnering for the Future Campaign to add new services to the hospital, expand residences at Rosen Place and build a brand new, state-of-the-art nursing home facility. The first phase of the construction will be a new 36 bed nursing home, which will start with the demolition of Centennial Court in July. Once that phase is complete work can begin to remove the old nursing home and begin hospital renovations and finally the addition of new apartments to Rosen Place.

Breast Cancer Stories: How Early Detection Helped Janis Thompson Become a Breast Cancer Survivor

Early detection through routine mammograms dramatically improves your chances of survival. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society, when breast cancer is detected early and is localized to the breast, the 5-year relative survival rate is 99%!

Janis Thompson found this to be true in her own experience. Diagnosed in 2021, within months Janis received chemotherapy and underwent a mastectomy of her right breast. Today, she is a breast cancer survivor — totally cancer-free!

We recently sat down with Janis to hear her story of diagnosis and treatment, as well as her advice for other women who are diagnosed with breast cancer.

When were you diagnosed, and what was your prognosis at the time?

They found something in my right breast in January or February of 2021, and I started chemo in April of 2021. I had my surgery (a mastectomy to remove my right breast) in July — I remember that because it was right after my granddaughter got married.

Luckily, my cancer was localized. When they did surgery, they didn’t find anything in my lymph nodes or anywhere else, so that was good.

How was your breast cancer detected? 

I have a mammogram every year. I came over here to Stanley to have it done, and they saw something, so they sent me to Bismarck for treatment. Before the diagnosis, I didn’t have any symptoms, and the only history of cancer in my family was prostate cancer in my dad and brother.

How old were you when you started getting regular mammograms? 

I don’t remember exactly, but I was pretty young. 

In 1970, when I was 28, they found something in my left breast. I was three months’ pregnant with my son at the time, and the doctor told me that when I went in for surgery, if they found cancer, they were going to have to take both of my breasts and my baby. So it really scared me.  But, thankfully, everything turned out to be fine. 

After that, I had to go to the doctor a lot because they would find these little cysts that they would take out with a syringe. What they removed was always coffee-colored, so they told me it was nothing to worry about.

Where did you receive your treatments? 

I was in California at the time of my first surgery in 1970. I moved back home to North Dakota in 1972, so my treatments after that were done here. My surgery and chemo treatments were done at Sanford in Bismarck, and I received my other care at MCHC in Stanley

What was your experience like there? 

It was wonderful, he was a great doctor (Dr. Bennett at MCHC). This is crazy, but I felt so close to him — he knew everything about my breasts!

When I was diagnosed in 2021, I had chemo first, and I was kind of sick from it. I gained weight because I didn’t feel well and couldn’t do as much as I usually would. 

The type of cancer I had was called spindle cell neoplasm. My oncologist (Thandiwe Gray, M.D.) told me there were five of us who had the same kind of cancer at the same time, and we had the same chemo (which was different from other kinds of chemo). 

My chemo was from April to July of 2021, and my surgery was in July of 2021. By December, I was starting to feel like myself again. I went in for a lung biopsy between my surgery and then, because they thought I had lung cancer (but it turned out to be nothing). When we went in for the diagnosis, I cried because I was so happy! 

Now, I’m following up with yearly mammograms. 

Any advice you’d share with other women going through breast cancer treatment right now?

Have a support system, that’s the main thing. My husband was so good! My daughter and granddaughter did a lot for us too. They came over and did things for us. My granddaughter brought us groceries, and they both came and cleaned the house. At the time I was scared I’d go out and get COVID too, you know, so the only place we went was to the clinic in Bismarck. 

I had company at that time, and they didn’t want to get me sick, because you’re so susceptible to disease. So when people came to visit us, they’d visit in the garage or outside when it was warmer. It was hard. 

Even now, you have to stay away from people for a while after chemo, because of all the stuff you could get. Don’t think you can run around as much as you did before! You have to take care of yourself.

After a while, though, you have to get out and do stuff — don’t let yourself get stuck inside for too long! I was stuck inside for a year or more, scared to go out. I started back volunteering at the nursing home a couple of months ago now. I worked there for years. Now I go on Friday nights and dance with them. 

I’m doing great now. Well, I have other things — I have to have knee surgery in June, and I had my right shoulder done about 5 months ago…all kinds of operations! The scariest one was the breast cancer, though, it really was.

Another thing that helped me get through my treatment was that I read from my Bible and from the Jesus Calling devotional (by Sarah Young) every day — it’s something I always do and have done, but I wouldn’t have been able to get through it all without my Jesus.

Early Detection Could Save Your Life. Schedule Your Mammogram Today!

Thank you, Janis, for sharing your story with us! And congratulations on being cancer-free!

Take a page out of this breast cancer survivor’s book, and make sure to get routine mammograms — even if you don’t have a family history of cancer. Mammograms are quick, easy, and one of the best things you can do to take charge of your health and invest in your future.

Contact us today to set up your yearly mammogram at MCHC!

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month — Here’s What You Need To Know About Screening

March was Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, but it’s always a good time to schedule your screening!

Since 2000, March has been the time for ​​colon cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and advocates join together to spread awareness of colorectal cancer and the importance of prevention. 

In honor of this year’s Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, we sat down with Abbey Ruland, PA-C at Mountrail County Medical Center, to learn her best tips and helpful information about colorectal cancer screenings. While Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month has passed, these things are always important to keep in mind.

Read on to learn some facts about colon cancer, the recommended timeline for screenings, and the different types of screenings available.

Did You Know…? Facts About Colon Cancer

Each year, around 150,000 people are diagnosed with colon cancer in the U.S. 

It is the fourth most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second deadliest type of cancer in the U.S. The average age of diagnosis is 66 years old, but people in their 40s and 50s are increasingly being diagnosed as well. In fact, about 10% of those diagnosed with colorectal cancer are now under age 50. 

The good news is that screenings can detect colorectal cancer — and when detected early, it is a highly treatable form of cancer. While more than 50,000 people will die from colon cancer this year, many more will survive their diagnosis, thanks to regular screenings.

How Often Should You Have a Colorectal Cancer Screening?

Previously, it was recommended that people start to get regular colon cancer screenings once they hit age 50. However, due to the increasing trend of colon cancer in younger people, that recommendation has changed — we now recommend screening starting at age 45. 

If caught in the early (precancerous) stages, colon cancer or colonic polyps can easily be removed during a colonoscopy. This is great news, because that means those polyps cannot continue to grow into colon cancer! In fact, if everyone had their screening done early enough, we could nearly wipe out advanced colon cancer. 

But having a colonoscopy is not exactly everyone’s idea of fun (it would be strange if it was!), so let’s talk about the various screening options available.

What Colon Cancer Screening Options Are Available?


The “gold standard” in colon cancer screening is the colonoscopy. This procedure is done at an outside facility: Most of our patients have them done in Minot, Tioga, or Bismarck, but we are happy to arrange your screening where it is most convenient for you.

A colonoscopy usually involves a day of “prep” in which the colon is cleaned out. This involves drinking clear liquids, taking laxatives, and spending a significant amount of time in the bathroom. Then the next day, you go to the facility for the colonoscopy, are sedated, and a surgeon uses a camera to look through the colon to find any abnormalities. (Note that because you are given sedation for the procedure, you will need to have a driver pick you up afterwards.)

The best part of a colonoscopy is that if any polyps are found, they can be removed, and the problem is solved before it even begins! 

If your colonoscopy is totally normal, we recommend having one every 10 years. 

DNA Stool Testing and FIT Tests

For many patients, a colonoscopy is not the only screening option available. There are a number of less invasive screening tools, including DNA stool-based testing (a.k.a., Cologuard) and FIT tests.

To qualify for either of these tests, patients need to be considered “low risk.” This means they need to have no family history of either colon cancer or precancerous polyps. Also, patients who have a history of precancerous polyps on previous colonoscopies do not qualify for stool screening tests.

DNA stool testing consists of a kit you can receive in the mail. You then place a stool sample in the appropriate container and mail it back to the company. The company will test the stool for blood and other DNA markers that can indicate colon cancer or precancerous polyps. 

If your results are negative, we recommend retesting every three years. If your results are positive, that may mean the test found cancer, but more commonly it means it found precancerous polyps that need to be removed. We would then schedule you for a colonoscopy for further evaluation, and if there is a precancerous polyp it will be removed during the procedure.

The FIT test is more basic than the DNA test, as it only checks for blood in the stool. This test needs to be completed yearly and is a little more likely to miss a cancer or precancerous polyp. Again, if the test returns a positive result it would be followed by a colonoscopy for further evaluation.

Neither of these tests require any prep, and both can be done from home, keeping you from missing a day or two of work. 

In addition, we now have standing orders in place for our patients for these tests, which means if you’re a regular patient who is at low risk, you can give us a call, speak to a nurse, and place an order for these tests to be completed…without even coming in for an appointment!

Schedule Your Colorectal Cancer Screening With MCMC Today

At MCMC, our goal is to help each of our patients live their longest, best life. We want to find problems before they begin — which is why colorectal cancer screening is so important. We encourage you to schedule an annual wellness exam to make sure we are keeping you in tip-top shape! Please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment or reach out to the nurses to ask about getting your colorectal cancer screening scheduled today.

